A word or two about Lawrence Home Nursing Team

Many people, when asked, say that they wish, when their time comes, to die in familiar surroundings and close to those they know and love – that is, in their own homes.

I am a nurse in the ‘Lawrence Home Nursing Team’ and I was drawn to work in this organisation because its key aim is to enable this ideal to become a reality, whenever possible, for those facing life-limiting illnesses in our catchment area.

All the nurses in the team have experience in caring for people at the end of life and we are guided by a patient’s needs and wishes. We can give hands on nursing care, including medications for pain relief and other symptoms and can access specialist advice, when needed, through our close working relationships with family doctors and community nurses.
We aim to give each person the care they need, respecting their own individual requirements. Communication and the building of trusting relationships enables us to be that listening ear, to answer questions, and give emotional support, both to the patient and those closest to them, in the hope that patients and their loved ones can make the most of the time they have left together.

The care we give is free, and highly adaptable: sometimes night care, sometimes care during the day, sometimes working alongside existing carers, sometimes working alone. We look after anyone, aged 18 and over, who is in their last weeks of life. Patients are referred to us by GPs, community and specialist nurses, hospitals, hospices, and sometimes family members.

Our patients are mainly registered at one of the following General Practices:

  • Bloxham Surgery Tel: 01295 722788
  • Charlbury Medical Centre Tel: 01608 811680
  • Chipping Norton Health Centre Tel: 01608 642742
  • Deddington Surgery Tel: 01869 338611
  • Hook Norton Surgery Tel: 01608 737302
  • Wychwood Surgery Tel: 01993 831061

You can visit our website to learn more, https://www.lawrencehomenursing.org/

Thank you

Sarah Bryson

The Lawrence Home Nursing Team is a local charity and depends on fundraising income to maintain this vital nursing service in the community.
If you would like to find out more about our fundraising events and activities or perhaps you are interested in joining our group of volunteers please email, Verity Fifer, Head of Fundraising at fundraiser@lawrencehomenursing.org or telephone: 01608 684475. Our team of volunteers meet once a month at The George Inn, Barford St Michael to discuss past and present events. We are actively looking for volunteers to join our group especially from Bloxham and Deddington.

Thank you
Verity Fifer